While some people like to get a head start, most of us don’t really think about New Year’s resolutions until December 30th or 31st. It’s hard not to look back on the past year as we get ready to usher in the next. Even if you don’t make “resolutions”, taking a little time to consider […]
Author: franklinadm2021
How to Read With Your Child
You do not need extensive training or sophisticated instructional materials to provide your child with excellent reading support. You, as the parent, can help your child stay ahead of his or her reading assignments more easily than you think. Below is a guide on how to create a culture of language in your home, provide […]
Giving the Gift of Kindness Before Winter Vacation
After Thanksgiving, there is a flurry of events at school. There are class parties during the day, and evening concerts and recitals during the week. And, sports tournaments and holiday parties with families and friends on the weekends. It’s a challenging schedule to keep while keeping up with homework, finishing projects, and reviewing for big […]
Gratitude, Reflection, and Learning
Thanksgiving arrives next week. And, although what most of us “know” about Thanksgiving is more myth than fact, setting aside a day to express gratitude is a longstanding tradition across many cultures and countries. The process of reflection and expressing gratitude has now been shown to have several health and psychological benefits. Some of which, […]
Feel a Little Spooked About What Lies Beyond High School?
Whether your child will be going straight into a four-year university, attending a junior college, taking a gap year, or entering the workforce, life after high school opens up considerably. The extended freedoms are understandably exciting for the kids, but can easily become anxiety-producing, even down-right scary, for parents. Feeling confident about your child leaving […]
School Tour Checklist
If you are making the rounds on the open house circuit to check out potential new schools for your child, you may be wondering how you can tell which school will be right for your child. When I sit down with families seeking school placement support, I offer the following reminders: Can the school meet […]
How to Best Communicate with Your Child’s Teachers
At this time of the year, as we approach mid-term report cards, we recommend checking in with your child’s teachers. Those back-to-school night invitations to “email or call with any questions, comments or concerns” should be taken seriously; however, is there a “right or wrong” way to check in with your child’s teachers? Is there […]
Tips to prepare for ISEE SSAT HSPT tests
If your child is applying to attend a private middle or high school next fall, you are probably in the middle of Open Houses, application essays, and helping your child prepare to take either the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE), Secondary School Admissions Test (SSAT), or the High School Placement Test (HSPT). Here are a […]
When is the right time to find a tutor for your child?
By this time in the school year, your child may have received his or her first progress report. Perhaps it’s lower than you thought it would be. Or maybe now that the semester is underway, and the pace of instruction has picked up, your child is starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Should you be […]
Balancing School and Extra-Curricular Activities
Long gone are the days when kids would come home from school and simply play together on the street until their mother’s whistled to come inside for dinner. These days, it’s common to find parents feeding children in their cars as they race between school, sports practices, music lessons, dance classes, coding clubs, tutoring centers, […]