

Franklin specifically seeks tutors and teachers who have experience working with children, teens, and young adults with autism. These teachers and tutors are equipped with a range of strategies that take into account the unique social, emotional, and learning characteristics of individuals with autism.

Some of these strategies include:

  • Providing a calm environment
  • Keeping demands well within the capacity of the student
  • Anticipating when the student might be triggered or overwhelmed and adjusting accordingly
  • Helping students understand language that may be abstract or vague
  • Creating learning opportunities that leverage the student’s interests and passions
  • Providing a high level of proactive executive functioning support
  • Promoting self-advocacy skills



The SCERTS model was developed by Dr. Barry Prizant and his colleagues at Brown University to provide comprehensive support for students with autism. The SCERTS model is a research-based approach that encourages well-rounded social, emotional, and cognitive development.

The SCERTS acronym refers to three central objectives:

SC: Social Communication

  • Building the capacity for meaningful communication through speaking, listening, reading facial expressions, and understanding gestures
  • Enhancing the ability to communicate spontaneously, share emotions, and develop relationships

ER: Emotional Regulation

  • Developing the capacity to cope with everyday stress and anxiety
  • Modifying the environment to reduce emotional triggers and promote learning

TS: Transactional Support

  • Collaborative approach among partners to meet student needs in all major areas
  • Ensuring emotional, educational, and therapeutic support from family and professionals